Sunday, November 3, 2013

2013-40 - In The Eyes of Others, by Catherine Abou Sada

40 - In The Eyes of Others, by edited by Catherine Abou Sada
WHY I PICKED IT: It's an MSF Publication

This is a book of essays, ostensibly as a study of how people in crisis perceive humanitarian aid.  For much of the book, it was a struggle.  It seemed to be MSF gazing at its own navel, and not broadly considering humanitarianism.  There were some well formed analyses of the confluence of military action with (purported) humanitarian objectives and the implications thereof.  All in all, a struggle to get through, but a generally good read.

The final essay, however, was very very good.  Antonio Donini's essay, titled "Humanitarianism, Perceptions, Power" is a thought provoking piece that highlights the good: the nuanced understanding of NGOs and their neutrality; and, the universality of humanitarian ideals.  And the bad: the top-down, and externally driven approach which offers little space for local participation (beyond some minimal consultation).

The imbalance between the Aid Worker and the Recipient is driven by relative wealth and power.  So although the humanitarian is trying to stand on the side of the vulnerable and powerless, they bring their own baggage that includes Western forms of organization, concepts of management, technical standards, and values, and even when the outcome is positive, it is important to note that the encounter happens on the terms of the outsider.  This approach must change, to allow "perspectives other than the dominant Western universalist discourse to emerge and be heard."

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